Errors when graphing

New users often find that when the graph button is pushed, an error message is returned. Most often, it is one of these screens:

            wpe6.jpg (3762 bytes)wpe9.jpg (3879 bytes)

  1.   In either case, the problem can be fixed by looking at the y= menu page:wpeA.jpg (4840 bytes)      
  2.   Note that the PLOT1 is darkened, indicating that it is turned ON.
          The PLOT functions look in the LISTS (found in STAT-EDIT) and uses two of the lists for coordinates.  If there are no data in the lists, the Invalid Dim message occurs.  If there are unequal numbers of values in the lists, the Dim Mismatch message occurs.
  3.   THE  FIX:  Use the UP-ARROW key to move the cursor to the PLOT1 that is dark (if it is Plot2 or PLOT3, you need the right arrow key too).
  4. Press ENTER to turn the PLOT OFF  wpeB.jpg (4770 bytes)

  5. Pressing GRAPH will draw the graph you are trying to display.